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Well, the reason you are here on this website is because you want to hear the old recordings, right? Here is how to play a cylinder. First, you will need to know what type of cylinder it is. is it a two minute recording or four minute. Here is how you find out. If the record is black or brown, it is probably two minutes. Also, the black ones will come in a tube that say "gold moulded cylinder" on them. Blue and green ones are four minutes, and are called Amberol cylinders. You will see two minute ones much more often. Make sure your phonograph has the correct stylus, or else it wont play, and you may even damage the recording. In my opinion, the hardest part is actually getting a phonograph. These can cost 300-700 dollars, maybe more, and are hard to find these days. Check Ebay or your local record shop, if you have one. Revilla Grooves and Gear is a good place, they occasionally get some antique phonographs to sell. You could also get an archeophone, but that is 30,000 dollars, and only used in museums, so good luck with that. Once you have your phonograph with the correct stylus, you must crank the crank on the side of the machine until it feels stiff. Then, flip a switch on the top, and put the needle on the record! The song will play.